The 2006 election has been marked by strong emotions. We think it’s important to stick to the facts and to keep the discourse civil.
There are only 7 announced candidates to fill 5 board seats, and 3 of these 7 are incumbents. Whatever view one holds regarding Lake Holiday politics, hopefully we can all agree that we need to broaden our choices. Our efforts have expanded the pool of candidates by introducing 4 floor-nominated candidates, and we all need to continue this effort. We applaud the willingness of our 5 nominees – and every candidate – to suffer through such a painful political process to get an opportunity to serve the community.
We need to put a stop to the name calling and encourage participation so we’ll get more of it as time goes by. Encouraging participation requires accepting dissent and criticism. It’s no suprise that everyone agrees privately that there are problems at Lake Holiday, but few are willing to step forward to fix them because criticism of the Board is not well received.
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