Because you’ve been Individually Assessed!
For those who weren’t able to attend the 5/20/05 meeting at Reynolds Fire Hall, we offer up another little gem – the devilish concept of Individual Assessments.
Let’s listen to Wayne Poyer attempt to explain away Individual Assessments.
We’ve posted here that the Individual Assessments in the proposed declaration allow the board to send a bill to everyone – including homeowners. These assessments are not allowed under the current declarations. We think the notion of an Individual Assessment is a really bad idea. In his presentation, director Wayne Poyer accused Ogunquit of “gross misrepresentation of the facts.” But Wayne Poyer confirmed exactly what we said – these bills can be sent to homeowners.
Wayne Poyer seems to think they are a benefit. Wayne Poyer panders to the audience when he asks if anyone is bothered by a neighbor who doesn’t mow his lawn. Wayne Poyer just does not understand this simple fact: it’s intrusive to mow it for him and send him the bill. It’s beyond the responsibility of a homeowner’s association to mow lawns and fix decks.
Ideas like Individual Assessments either lead to a never-ending set of rules or to vague standards that inevitably are applied in a discriminatory manner. They are the product of a board dreaming up endless rules instead of focusing on the real priorities. If rules and restrictions increase too much, you’ll end up being the owner of your property in name only – the board will control your property rights.
Of course, Wayne Poyer will probably say that Individual Assessments will not be abused, because the Chris Allison led-board will never abuse it. He dismissed concerns raised by members about restrictions on pets exactly that way at the 5/20 meeting. People put language in legal documents to authorize things they want to do, not things they will never do. If the board will never use a power or authority, the power or authority should not be in the declaration which is a part of your deed. It’s that simple.
Wayne Poyer explains that the office receives calls from residents unhappy that they have a neighbor who didn’t mow his lawn. Wayne Poyer’s solution is to have the board “step in and fix such things.” Wayne Poyer fails to understand that every problem does not require a board resolution or a new assessment.
Wayne Poyer won’t be on the board forever to keep the promise that Individual Assessments won’t be abused. But if the proposed governing documents are approved, your deed will be modified forever into the future, long after Wayne Poyer is off the board.
Lake Holiday is a beautiful community with many unique offerings. We all have a significant investment here. Why mar that beauty with endless rules? Will any buyer want to purchase your home or lot with the threat of Individual Assessments on the Deed? That’s why it is so important to vote No on these documents and stop the board from continuing this craziness by returning our proxy today.
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